/* google site verification */ The Oracle : The Succession War: Government


Have you ever wondered whether government is relevant to your daily life?

In other words, does it matter who is elected president or who your congressional representative is?

Why should you care who the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is, the Secretary of Defense, or the president’s chief of staff?

For a growing number of Americans the answers to these questions are I don’t think about government very much at all; Government does not have an impact on my life; It doesn’t really matter who is president; and What the heck is a chief justice or a chief of staff?

As my Dad used to say in reference to politicians, “They’re all crooks anyway!” So why pay attention?


Dr. Richard W. Waterman said...

Welcome to the American Government Discussion Blog!

Should the Children of Undocumented Workers be given a path to Citizenship if they are born in America?

Anonymous said...

With only a few weeks remaining to Midterm Elections in Nov2010, visit PostPolitics.com from Washington Post to read up on the Races, get the Inside Stories, and Track Campaign Spending.


beth.clontz said...

Yes children of undocumented workers should be given citizenship because even though their parents are undocumented doesn't mean that their parents should be punished. It wasn't their choice to be born into those circumstances. If they were born here then they fully deserve to be given citizenship. Anyone who is born here has every right given to us in the constitution no matter their race, class status, or their stature.

ukstudent2014 said...

beth.clontz---So if a terrorist was to get into this country and have children their children should be granted a path of citizenship?

I think unless the child is born under a legal citizen or a legal alien the child should be held to the same naturalization and citizenship process as every other immigrant.

beth.clontz said...

Ukstudent2014-- so the child in question was then born evil and born a terrorist just like their parents? No they were born a child who had no control over who their parents were. If you are born here you are a citizen of this country it is that simple. It doesn't matter who the parents are. Now I do not agree with illegal aliens or terrorism but I don't think that the child in question has any control over their parents and thus should not be accountable forthrir parents choices whether they be good or bad. They didn't ask to be brought here and had no choice in where they were born.

Anonymous said...

The only problem with the terrorist idea is that the baby will probably be brought up to hate America. But then again I highly doubt that terrorists will want to birth a child in a country they hate.

Anonymous said...

I agree about the bill that was passed in the House today about taxes being paid for presindental election campaigns. I think tax payers should not have to pay tax for this. Do you think this would help our government and the American people? Would this help our economy and would it lessen the debt in America?

Dr. Richard W. Waterman said...

Welcome PS101 Summer Students to the American Government Blog & Discussion Forum for our class is up and online here.

You can Copy & Bookmark the shortURL: http://tinyurl.com/rw-american-government

The Blog provides a means for Students to communicate with each other, share ideas and enjoy all things Oracle.

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