/* google site verification */ The Oracle : The Succession War: Oracle


“What price would you be willing to pay for an instrument of absolute power?
Would you be willing to betray your friends and family, to even kill your own father?

Or would you be willing to commit even more heinous acts of mass murder, including genocide?”

A young man, tempted by fate, driven by ambition that he simply does not understand, must inevitably chose between everything he treasures in life and the unlimited power of the mysterious Oracle.

The Oracle: The Succession War is an epic drama on a grand scale. It is the story of two families: the ruling Centama dynasty and their most loyal ally, the Tantamount family. A violent succession war is unleashed when the King of Arcania falls suddenly ill. His four sons, his most ambitious and clever daughter-in-law, and the renegade son of a prominent lord, all battle for the Arcanian throne. For whoever controls the throne, also controls a device of unlimited power known to all Arcanians simply as the Oracle. This device can alter pure imagination into stark reality. But there is a dark truth: it is not enough to desire the Oracle, for the Oracle must also desire you. Therefore, the Oracle actively manipulates the various challengers to the Arcanian throne, seeking out the one it will allow to rule over it.

The Oracle is a masterwork of imagination. The book literally takes the reader inside a vast infinite universe of pure thought where anything and everything is possible. It is a magical world, filled with an amazing array of vibrant pulsating rainbow-like colors, a world of surreal splendor. It is also a dark world, for at the epicenter of the Oracle lies an ambition for power so raw, so unadulterated, that it dare not fall into the hands of one who is unworthy.

And yet, those who seek the Oracle are the most ambitious, the most ruthless and unprincipled of people, bereft of any morality whatsoever. The youngest son of the Arcanian King, Pantamanu, believes the Oracle is his by the right of inheritance. Bellazar, a stunningly beautiful black woman, the wife of the king’s third eldest son, is driven by an equally destructive compulsion to rule the Oracle. And Montama, the innocent and impetuous son of a prominent highly principled and loyal lord, learns that he may very well be the chosen one and that it is his destiny to rule.

The battle for the Oracle is not conducted merely by mortals, for two unscrupulous entities, with the power of mighty wizards, reside inside the Oracle itself. They too seek to control its unlimited power for their own selfish purposes. The battle therefore occurs on two levels - within the real world and within the realm of imagination.

A series of battles unfolds, each fought in a unique setting: upon the banks and barren interior of a giant meteor crater and the tops of the world’s tallest trees. In these battles mortals must fight not only each other, they also must confront horrendous two-headed beasts while soldiers ride on the backs of giant primates. As these mere mortals battle savagely, the Oracle wizards seek to manipulate their destiny. The war of human versus human is therefore joined by another more frightful spectacle: the war of humans versus Oracle wizards. In these battles anything the mind can conceive of can become reality. From the very first page the action is unrelenting, as each contestant for the throne must decide, what price will they pay for an instrument of unlimited power? In the end, only one will rule the Oracle, that is, unless the Oracle itself rules the world.

Coming this November 30th, from award winning author Richard Wayne Waterman the most powerful, exciting and controversial novel of the year - The Oracle: The Succession War.

Pre-order Now at: http://tinyurl.com/rw-order.

Dr. Richard Waterman of the University of Kentucky, Lexington is an expert in Presidential Politics and Policies, Executive Power, Bureaucracy, History, and Political Science. He has written many highly acclaimed books on the subject and is one of the most cited scholars in the field.

The artwork, visualizations, illustrations, maps, architecture, and landscape is designed by Sendil Nathan.

               ISBN13                ISBN10
Hard Cover     978-0-9826072-6-8     0-9826072-6-1
Paperback      978-0-9826072-7-5     0-9826702-7-X
ebook          978-0-9826072-8-2     0-9826072-8-2
LCCN           2010922823

Copyright © 2010 Richard Waterman, Sendil Nathan & Otherworld Publishing™. All Rights Reserved.