The target audience for The Oracle series is young adults. The book appears to be equally popular with men and women, as each book has attractive and vibrant young protagonists of both sexes. The best way to describe The Oracle series is to let actual readers from the target audience describe the first book in their own words:
≡ “As an avid science fiction reader and huge fan of the Lord of the Rings books, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone. If you enjoy sci-fi and especially stories about knights and strange creatures then this story is for you.”
≡ “A Sci-Fi thriller with plenty of military action.”
≡ “To say that The Oracle is a captivating book is an understatement. This book is thrilling, exciting and makes you want to continue reading.”
≡ “An epic narrative of strength, will power, and blind ambition.”
≡ “ As you keep reading, you’ll realize that the book is simply a metaphor of politics in America today; but in such a powerful way! …I highly recommend this book to anyone… I am looking forward to the sequel.”
≡ “From the first page, Waterman creates a world full of action and magic and imagination from something so seemingly boring as American politics.”
≡ “A book of this stature and voice in regards to politics is quite the feat and executed extremely well.”
≡ “The Oracle: The Succession War by Richard Waterman chronicles American politics by amplifying it, turning it into science fiction (as opposed to the regular type of fiction that surrounds American politics) and makes it interesting for the political layman by adding swords and an ambiguous deity called the Oracle. All of the characters are molded in a way to resemble some real-life counterpart, whether the real-life counterpart is a specific person or a general, more wide-reaching stereotype of a politician… Conceptually, the novel is one-of-a-kind as far as I'm familiar, and was effective in delivery.”
≡ “The Oracle: The Succession War is a novel of great suspense centered in a made up world with all kinds of mysterious creatures.”
≡ “In every human, there is a drive, a hunger, to obtain the unlimited power of the metaphorical ‘Oracle.’”
≡ “The Oracle is a fantastic book, and I think I might have became a little more ambitious myself from reading it.”
≡ “When I read the book The Oracle: The Succession War by Waterman, I was pleasantly amused by how easy it was to relate our present day situation with a fantasy world… The story itself was brilliantly crafted and I really enjoyed the parallel use of the characters... This book really opened my eyes and made me smile at the idea that someone else sees the government and the institution of Washington for what it really is and I could not congratulate you enough on being intelligent enough to put this crazy, crazy idea onto paper and making it worthy and understandable for thousands everywhere!”
≡ The Oracle is a tremendous book that effectively portrays the chaos of American politics that as a citizen has personally disturbed me for years. It subtly touches on issues tearing this country apart and as a reader, I interpreted the characters in the novel, or the politicians of today, to be a primary cause. Is there an end to the madness?”
≡ “I thought this was a GREAT book.”
This is but a small sample of the extraordinarily positive responses that the first book received. To judge for yourself, read the Prologue of The Oracle: The Succession War at:
Here’s how to order your copy today!
by Richard Wayne Waterman
(Hardcover & Deluxe Edition)
'The Oracle: The Succession War'
by Richard Wayne Waterman
(Paperback Edition)
The Oracle is a book that shows what ambition can do to people with different personalities. It is definitely recommended! It does a great job symbolizing the American political system. It also has comic relief!
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